Academic Scholarship Program provides those who have demonstrated
academic aptitudes toward higher education with the financial support they need to attend higher education
institutions in country and abroad. This includes Bible College, and Trade schools.
Foster Parent is a project which recruits and equips foster parents with a particular
emphasis on serving the at risk population of foster kids, those with special needs.
Life Style Re-design is a project that uses the therapeutic practice of occupational therapy to address the cognitive
& psycho-social development of orphan children who have been on the streets, and those at risk children who have been
removed from homes secondary to neglect, poverty or abuse.
Village Outreach is a project to search for places of need and to
provide substantive assistance through humanitarian aid, and charitable deeds. For example, building a
playground in a Roma Village, financing construction projects to prevent homelessness, Summer Camps, temporary housing, distribution
of blanket, clothing, food, medicine, and financing dental care are all types of projects the foundation has help to develop
and sponsor.
Quilters Guild is
a project to provide quilts for children in Romania,
and to raise funds to support other outreach projects.